Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fifteen Years

I should have posted this on the 15th year anniversary of the attacks on September 11th, but we can still show respect and remembrance at any time of the year.


In memory of those lost in the attacks 15 years ago and of the heroes and first responders who gave their all --- on the ground and in the air.

American Airlines Flight 11:
Captain John Ogonowski
First Officer Thomas McGuinness
Flight Attendants: Barbara Arestegui, Jeffery Collman, Sara Low, Karen Martin, Kathleen Nicosia, Betty Ann Ong, Jean D. Roger, Diane Snyder, Madeline Amy Sweeney.

United Airlines Flight 175:
Captain Michael Saracini
First Officer Michael Horrocks
Flight Attendants: Robert Fangman, Amy Jarret, Amy King, Kathryn Laborie, Alfred Marchand, Michael Tarrou, Alicia Titus.

American Airlines Flight 77:
Captain Charles Burlingame III
First Officer David Charlebois
Flight Attendants: Michele Heidenberger, Jennifer Lewis, Kenneth Lewis (wife & husband), Renee May.

United Airlines Flight 93:
Captain Jason Dahl
First Officer LeRoy Homer, Jr.
Flight Attendants: Deborah Welsh, Sandy Bradshaw, CeeCee Lyles, Lorraine Bay, Wanda Green.

The pilots and flight attendants were indeed the first responders to these attacks. In his last efforts, Captain Dahl switched the flight deck radio direction to transmit messages from the hijackers directly to air traffic control. Purser Deborah Welsh protected the flight deck until the hijackers overtook her. Flight attendants Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney relayed important information such as the seat numbers and descriptions of the hijackers by use of airphones to airline officials. They attended to their injured colleagues and passengers. They moved passengers away from the tear gas used by the hijackers in the first class cabins of the aircraft. CeeCee Lyles and Sandy Bradshaw boiled hot water to use against the hijackers and secured the beverage carts that the passengers used to break down the flight deck door to regain control of Flight 93. Even in the face of danger, they selflessly remained at their posts and had the safety of others as their priority.

An American flag waves over gate A17 at Newark Liberty International Airport where United Airlines Flight 93 departed for the last time. Photo taken by author.

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